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Nicolò Umberto Foron

Assistant Conductor

Nicolò Umberto Foron was named the winner of the 17th Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition in March 2023, becoming Assistant Conductor of the LSO for a year.

He is Principal Assistant Conductor of Ensemble Intercontemporain, Paris, was the winner of the International Conducting Competition Jeunesse Musicales Bucharest 2021, and in 2022 was selected as a member of the Peter Eötvös Mentoring Programme and as a Conducting Fellow of Tanglewood Festival.

On 1 August 2023 German National Broadcasting named him Artist in Residence Förderpreis Deutschlandfunk und Musikfest Bremen, recognising him as young artist of the year. As part of this award he will undertake a concert tour and a CD recording with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin in 2024. Past winners include Julia Fischer and Patricia Kopatchinskaja, and he is the first ever conductor to receive this prize.