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What’s On
A student violinist talking with an LSO member


Mentoring musicians aged 18 and over who aim to play in a professional orchestra.

LSO Pathways is a two-year programme of support and activity designed for emerging orchestral musicians, who face barriers which may have hindered their progress and development.

Participants are invited to three residential weekends in London each year. All expenses including travel to and from London will be covered by the LSO. Each participant is also matched with a mentor from the LSO, with whom they will have a monthly meeting, either online or in person if feasible. The LSO player will carefully nurture their personal and professional development over the two years.

The residential weekends are designed around LSO activity taking place at that time, with opportunities to attend rehearsals and concerts. Training is provided in areas of orchestral life including education work, creative opportunities, audition workshops and career guidance. Scheme participants also have a lesson with their mentor during the weekend. Alongside group activities, the aim is to offer a bespoke experience to each participant focusing on their own musical development.

Who Is It For?

The scheme welcomes applications from players with a range of musical backgrounds and experiences. You may be self-taught or you may have never played in an orchestra. You may be studying at university or conservatoire, you may have graduated, you may be working as a freelance player, or you may have taken a different route. You will be around Grade 8 standard or higher, although you may have never taken any music exams.

You will be a keen and committed player but may feel that factors outside of your control may have hindered your progress or that there may have been opportunities you were unable to take.

We are also keen to receive applications from female-identifying musicians who play instruments which are traditionally male-dominated in orchestras, namely double bass, horn, brass and percussion players.

Apply to Take Part

Applications are currently closed, and will open in September 2023 for Pathways 2024–26.

To find out more about the scheme in the meantime, please email

Header image © Paul Cochrane